Thursday, August 30, 2012

Got a Desk Job? You Might Be At Risk!

You spend a lot of your time sitting at work, stack a pile of snacks in your drawer and keep replenishing yourself with coffee and soft drinks… WATCH OUT!! You might be putting your health at risk!

A recent research done by the Pennington Biomedical Center in the US has shown that sedentary (inactive) jobs increase your risk of developing obesity, diabetes and heart diseases.

So, what can you do? 
You should move more and introduce some physical activity to your lifestyle. Even few minutes of standing or walking for every 30 minutes of work can make a difference.

Go to your colleague’s desk instead of calling or emailing, stand up while you are on the phone, always take the stairs, walk to work or home, go outside during lunch and walk around every once in a while.

You should also do some regular exercise away from the office; in the afternoon or on weekends.

Oh… I almost forgot!! Open that drawer and throw those snacks away. Get your own healthy snacks from home like fruits, raisins, carrots, nuts or whole grain cereal bars. And don’t forget to replace soft drinks and other high-sugar beverages with more healthy drinks like water and low-fat milk shakes.

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